Stability analysis of advanced regime tokamaks is presented. Here adva
nced regimes are defined to include configurations where the ratio of
the bootstrap current, I(BS), to the total plasma current, I(p), appro
aches unity, and the normalized stored energy, beta(N) = 80pi[p2]1/2a
/I(p)B0, has a value greater than 4.5. Here, p is the plasma pressure,
a the minor radius in meters, I(p) is in mega-amps, B0 is the magneti
c field in Tesla, and [.] represents a volume average. Specific scenar
ios are discussed in the context of Toroidal Physics Experiment (TPX)
[Proceedings of the 20th European Physical Society Conference on Contr
olled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Lisbon, 1993, edited by J. A. Costa C
abral, M. E. Manso, F. M. Serra, and F. C. Schuller (European Physical
Society, Petit-Lancy, 1993), p. 1-80]. The best scenario is one with
reversed shear, in the q profile, in the central region of the tokamak
. The bootstrap current obtained from the plasma profiles provides 90%
of the required current, and is well aligned with the optimal current
profile for ideal magnetohydrodynamic stability. This configuration i
s stable up to beta(N) almost-equal-to 6.8, if the external boundary
conditions are relaxed to those corresponding to an ideal structure at
a moderate distance of approximately 1.3 times the minor radius.