During a survey at six stations in the Dover Strait, from July 1990 to
November 1991, water samples were collected to measure : suspended se
diment load and its organic content; particle characteristics; photosy
nthesis pigments; and heavy metals. In this contribution, particle mea
surements are interpreted in terms of hydrodynamical effects and seaso
nal evolution. Multi-modal grain size spectra are indicative of depth
and cross-sectional variations, from die coastline to the central wate
rs. Tidal variations, biological productivity and wind effects can be
identified. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) components (determined
using SEM, when combined with size spectra) illustrate hydrodynamical,
geomorphological and biological effects on the composition of the sus
pended matter. Living and non-living diatom valves, used as particulat
e tracers, provide information on the sources and hydrodynamic behavio
ur of the suspended particles. Although the Seine input is high, river
ine SPM input is not detected within the Dover Strait. SPM fluxes from
the Eastern Channel into the southern North Sea, across the Dover Str
ait, originate mainly from: Atlantic waters; coastal and sea bed erosi
on; biological activity; and resuspension from the intertidal zone. SP
M studies in the Eastern Channel could provide information on the comp
lex behaviour of river pollutants over the region.