A method for estimating shear wave velocity in shallow marine sediment
s from the dispersive characteristics of seismic interface waves trave
ling at the water/sediment boundary is presented. Interface waves are
recorded using an array of geophones placed on the seafloor, and the s
hear wave velocity is estimated by a nonlinear least-square inversion
algorithm, with smoothing constraints to avoid numerical instability.
A detailed description of the algorithm is given, particularly emphasi
zing the capabilities and limitations of the method. The inversion sch
eme has been tested at selected sites to compare its estimates with ex
isting direct measurements of shear speed, and it has been proven reli
able and accurate. Moreover, the proposed scheme is able to predict sh
ear speed to a typical depth of 15-40 meters within the sediment, whic
h generally exceeds the depth for which direct measurements are availa