Pilot wetlands were built at Champion International Corp.'s Pensacola,
FL, bleached kraft paper mill to evaluate the potential for final eff
luent polishing.The pilot wetlands began operation July 1, 1991. Monit
oring ended june 30, 1993. Removal rates and outflow concentrations fo
r five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (T
SS), ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP)
depended most on hydraulic loading rates (HLRs). Two-year average remo
val efficiencies for these constituents were above 67%. Slight color a
nd total dissolved solids reductions were seen at the lower HLPs teste
d. Deep zones enhanced flow distribution, increased hydraulic residenc
e time, and significantly increased pollutant assimilation in the pilo
t wetlands. The wetland cells reduced or eliminated chronic toxicity t
o cladocerans and fathead minnows. The most suitable plant species in
the wetlands were cattails, bulrush, and sawgrass.