The performance of a motor task not only requires subjects to plan, pr
epare, and initiate but also to monitor how a movement is performed. W
e used positron emission tomography to examine to what extent the huma
n cerebellum is involved in controlling motor output or sensory input
from movements in normal subjects. In the first study, we compared the
active performance of a motor task (flexion and extension of the righ
t elbow) to the passive execution of the same movements. Passive movem
ents were driven by a motor with the arm fixed in a guide hinge. Activ
e movements (compared to rest) elicited increases of rCBF mainly in th
e ipsilateral neocerebellar hemisphere and vermis of the posterior lob
e. During passive movements, almost identical parts of the cerebellar
hemispheres and vermis were activated (compared to the rest condition)
. The direct comparison of active and passive movement conditions reve
aled a small activation of the neocerebellar hemisphere of the posteri
or lobe and cerebellar nuclei ipsilateral to the movement. Approximate
ly 90% of cerebellar neuronal activity was related to sensory input. I
n the second study, we compared the execution of a free selection joys
tick movement task to a condition in which subjects simply imagined th
e movements. The execution of movements (compared to rest) was associa
ted with increases of rCBF in the ipsilateral neocerebellar hemisphere
and vermis of the posterior lobe. During movement imagination, a smal
l part of the ipsilateral cerebellar hemisphere and vermis of the post
erior lobe was activated (compared to rest). The increase of rCBF duri
ng movement imagination accounted for only 20% of the signal seen duri
ng movement execution. Our results indicate that the neocerebellum may
be much more concerned with sensory information processing than has b
een considered previously. (C) 1997 Academic Press.