Objective. The basic oxygen steel plant of Krupp Hoesch Stahl AG in Do
rtmund-Horde has a primary and a secondary off-gas collection and dedu
sting system. The secondary dedusting system has been modernised to im
prove the level of pollution control. It is the first time that ''hybr
id filter'' technology has been used in this respect in a steel plant
of this magnitude. Documented in the following are the results that ha
ve been achieved. Summary. The hybrid filter differs from wet-type ele
ctrostatic precipitators in that only the dust collecting electrodes a
re continually wet with a film of running water. If an adequate distri
bution of water and an almost identical pressure ratio on both sides o
f the flexible collecting electrodes are ensured, then the new filter
system fulfills the requirements in hand better than conventional equi
pment of this type. It has been possible, for example, to reduce the r
esidual dust content in the cleaned gas by an average of 70%. Furtherm
ore, within the scope of the structural and technical measures, the no
ise level has been decreased and the diffuse fuse dust emissions lesse
ned by an increased volumetric now rate during extraction. It has also
been possible to reduce the number of safety-related filter shutdowns
from once or twice per day to approximately once per month.