Studies of subhuman primates and man have shown that the prefrontal co
rtex is important for spatial working memory; We have used (18)fluorod
eoxyglucose positron emission tomography ((18)FDG-PET) to study a non-
spatial, abstract visual memory task of in man. Using a regions-of-int
erest approach with discrimant analysis of the relative regional cereb
ral metabolic rate of glucose consumption (rCMRGlc), we found that cha
nges in dorsal prefrontal, premotor/motor frontal and posterior cingul
ate areas differentiated the primary memory task from the control task
. Less robust increases in glucose uptake were observed in lateral par
ietal cortex, while some subcortical and limbic regions showed decreas
es. This is the first activation study with a non-spatial, visual task
. These results complement previous studies in that they substantiate
the role of the prefrontal cortex in the mediation of cross-temporal c
ontingencies of behavior, and point to a role of the premotor region i
n this mediation as well.