A retained surgical drain or nephrostomy tube is a troublesome predica
ment that often has necessitated open surgical extraction. To assess t
he efficacy of endoscopic techniques in the management of this problem
, several types of drains and tubes were placed intraperitoneally in a
female pig and left for 3 weeks. Flat drains could be removed by trac
tion. Jackson-Pratt drains could be removed by clearing the lumen of a
morphous material with a guidewire and releasing the external adhesion
s with a 9.5Fr rigid ureteroscope passed beside the tube. The retained
re-entry nephrostomy tubes could be removed under fluoroscopic contro
l by using stone-grasping forceps and electrocautery inside the tube t
o incise the tissue holding the Malecot flanges. This latter method al
so was successful in a patient who had received intracavitary BCG afte
r percutaneous tumor resection. Endourologic techniques can reduce the
number of open operations that need to be performed to remove retaine
d drains and tubes.