The use of chemicals to control weeds in flooded rice in the Po Valley
, Italy is restricted by limited knowledge of potentially useful herbi
cides. Different strategies of chemical weed control, including differ
ent application timings of several types of herbicides are compared ba
sed on effectiveness and selectivity. Echinochloa spp., the most commo
n weed was, in the experimental conditions, better controlled with ear
ly applications (pre-sowing and preemergence) of new herbicides which
were effective substitutes for molinate, the use of which is no longer
allowed in some Italian areas. Alisma plantago-aquatica, Bolboschoenu
s maritimus and Schoenoplectus macronatus were controlled by different
types of herbicides applied post-emergence. Cinosulfuron (sulfonylure
a) showed the highest effectiveness and selectivity in controlling the
more common Hetherantera spp., even when applied in very low amounts.