An updated list of earthquakes and earthquake parameters (location, ho
mogenized magnitude, macroseismic data) for the southern Baltic Sea ar
ea reveals activity north of the sea, whereas there are very few epice
ntres in the sea itself and in the region south of it. This is the fir
st study to combine seismological data for the whole region to cover a
lso the sea. Macroseismic data for the 1930 earthquake were reinvestig
ated leading to an intensity of V-VI (MM or MSK scale), a radius of pe
rceptibility of 135 km and an unusually big focal depth of about 40 km
. It is difficult to correlate individual earthquakes with specific fa
ults, but some seismotectonic relations are suggested, e.g. for the To
rnquist zone, the predominant structure of the region. Only few reliab
le focal-mechanism solutions exist. Possible seismogenic processes (ri
dge push, isostasy, etc) are discussed.