Quantitative distributions were determined for the oxidation states of
titanium cations on TiO2(001) surfaces reduced by argon ion bombardme
nt and reoxidized by thermal treatment. Information about the inhomoge
neity of these distributions within the near-surface region sampled by
XPS was obtained by angle-resolved measurements in which the position
of the analyzer axis was varied with respect to the surface normal. T
hese experiments demonstrated that (1) sputtering with 2 keV ions prod
uced a surface containing Ti cations in the 1+, 2+, 3+, and 4+, but no
t 0 oxidation states; (2) these were reoxidized in a roughly sequentia
l fashion as the surface was annealed to 750 K, at which temperature r
eoxidation to Ti4+ was complete; and (3) the average oxidation state o
f the topmost layers of the ion-bombarded surface was slightly higher
than that determined from XPS spectra collected normal to the surface.
Since the surfaces reduced by argon ion bombardment are active for or
ganic assembly processes, including reductive coupling of aldehydes to
form symmetric olefins, these surface characterization results demons
trate that Ti0 sites are not required to effect reductive coupling, in
contrast to conclusions from previous slurry-phase studies. These obs
ervations enhance the possibility that reductive carbonyl coupling mig
ht be rendered catalytic, since a smaller cycle of oxidation states is
required than previously recognized.