Among the broad spectrum of species of anaerobic bacteria in the norma
l flora of humans, a few exhibit marked pathogenic potential and are r
esponsible for the majority of infections. The factors that determine
the virulence of particular species are varied and probably interrelat
ed. Just as most anaerobic infections are polymicrobial and depend on
interactions of a combination of species, the virulence of a species p
robably depends on a combination of properties, including surface stru
ctures, metabolic functions, ability to avoid the host's defenses, and
capacity to damage tissues. Thus, the production of each virulence fa
ctor-adhesins that attach to epithelial and red blood cells and to oth
er bacteria, producing metabolically interdependent ecosystems; capsul
es that protect against phagocytosis and induce abscess formation; lip
opolysaccharide; proteases, including those that degrade immunoglobuli
ns and complement components; and other hydrolytic enzymes-represents
only a component of virulence, but a consideration of these factors in
combination begins to clarify the mechanisms by which anaerobes cause