The gelation of several samples of atactic polystyrene (aPS) in CS2 is
studied by rheological methods. The Young's modulus and the loss and
storage moduli are measured as a function of temperature in the sol an
d gel phases. In the sol phase the concentration dependence of the pla
teau modulus, G(N), is found to be in good agreement with the theoreti
cal predictions. The sol-gel transition is accompanied by an abrupt in
crease of G(N), which shows the formation of additional entanglements
with respect to the sol. For temperatures, T, below the gelation tempe
rature, T(gel), G(N) does not vary with temperature and the gel seems
to reach a final structure at T = T(gel), - 10-degrees-C. These behavi
ours, which are independent of the aPS molecular weight, are discussed
in relation to other experimental investigations (phase diagram, anis
otropic light scattering, neutron scattering).