A buffer strip can perform a multitude of functions, and these include
channel stability, a filter for sediment and nutrients, water purific
ation (e.g., bacteria and pathogens), a nondisturbance area, and the p
rovision of terrestrial and stream habitat. These functions are review
ed with specific application to Australian conditions, and methods for
modeling their performance are outlined. The primary focus is on the
use of buffer strips to minimize waterway pollution from diffuse sourc
es since their use is often justified on this basis. Particular attent
ion is given to the conditions under which a buffer strip will act as
an effective filter and the conditions under which it will fail. Buffe
r strips are most effective when the flow is shallow (nonsubmerged), s
low, and enters the buffer strip uniformly along its length. Their sed
iment trapping performance decreases as the sediment particle size dec
reases. Nutrients are often preferentially attached to fine sediment.
As a result, buffer strips are better filters of sediment than of nutr
ients. Buffer strips should only be considered as a secondary conserva
tion practice after controlling the generation of pollutants at their
source and, to be effective, buffer strips should always be carefully
designed, installed, and maintained.