Computations of three-dimensional force-free MHD equilibria, del x B =
lambdaB with lambda = lambda0, a constant are presented. These equili
bria are determined by boundary conditions on a surface corresponding
to the solar photosphere. The specific boundary conditions used corres
pond to looplike magnetic fields in the corona. It is found that as la
mbda0 is increased, the loops of flux become kinked, and for sufficien
tly large lambda0, develop knots. The relationship between the kinking
and knotting properties of these equilibria and the presence of a kin
k instability and related loss of equilibrium is explored. Clearly, ma
gnetic reconnection must be involved for an unknotted loop equilibrium
to become knotted, and speculations are made about the creation of a
closed hyperbolic field line (X-line) about which this reconnection cr
eating knotted field lines is centered.