We calculate the effect of nonlinear interactions among solar acoustic
modes upon the modal frequencies and energy loss rates (or line width
s). The frequency shift for a radial p-mode of frequency 3 mHz is foun
d to be about -0.5 muHz. The magnitude of nonlinear frequency shift in
creases more rapidly with frequency than the inverse mode mass (mode m
ass is defined as the ratio of energy in the mode to its surface veloc
ity amplitude squared). This frequency shift is primarily due to nonre
sonant three-mode interactions and is dominated by high l surface grav
ity waves (f-modes) and p-modes. The line width of a radial p-mode of
frequency 3 mHz, due to resonant nonlinear interactions, is about 0.3
muHz. This result is consistent with that of Kumar & Goldreich (1989).
We also find, in agreement with these authors, that the most importan
t nonlinear interactions of trapped p-modes involve f-modes and high-f
requency p-modes (frequency greater than about 5 mHz) which propagate
in the solar photosphere. Thus, using the arguments advanced by Kumar
& Goldreich (1989), we conclude that nonlinear couplings cannot satura
te the overstable solar p-modes at their small observed amplitudes. Bo
th the nonlinear frequency shifts and line widths, at a fixed frequenc
y, are proportional to the inverse of mode mass which for modes of deg
ree greater than about 100 is approximately l0.8. Therefore, the frequ
ency of an f-mode of l = 1000, due to nonlinear interactions, is decre
ased by approximately 0.4%.