We observe a sip reversal in the Hall resistivity rho(xy) of the conve
ntional superconductor amorphous (a) Mo3Si. In the Ohmic regime, rho(x
y) is qualitatively similar to that observed in the high-T(c) supercon
ductors. It changes sign near T(c), and the sign change persists until
both rho(xy) and rho(xx) become immeasurably small at T approximately
0.8T(c)(H). At current densities above the depinning current density,
the Hall anomaly persists at low temperatures T approximately 0.2T(c)
(H). This is contrary to a theory by Ferrell which attributes the anom
aly to the backflow of thermally excited quasiparticles. In addition a
model proposed by Harris, Ong, and Yan explains the anomaly as an eff
ect arising from the layered nature of the high-T(c) cuprates. This mo
del, however, does not explain the anomaly in a-Mo3Si which is an isot
ropic unlayered material.