Amphibians manifest permanently nucleated, oval, flattened, biconvex e
rythrocytes. These cells demonstrate a cytoskeleton which is responsib
le for their morphogenetic conversion from a sphere to an ellipse and
imparts to their cellular mass reversibility of traumatic deformation.
The class Amphibia has the largest of all erythrocytes attaining volu
mes greater than 10,000 femtoliters in the Amphiuma. The large dimensi
ons reflect evolutionary processes, genomic size, ploidy and the relat
ive size of other somatic cells. Conversely, the erythrocyte count and
hemoglobin concentration of these species are low. Occasional denucle
ated red cells can be seen in the peripheral blood but may attain leve
ls of 90-95% of the total circulating population in certain members of
the tribe Bolitoglossini (e.g. Batrachoseps attenuatus). These erythr
oplastids retain the marginal band thus remaining different from mamma
lian erythrocytes. Embryologically, erythropoiesis initiates in the yo
lk sac and then progresses to the kidney, liver, and possibly spleen.
The yolk sac cohort is transitory and is successively replaced by the
larval and definitive populations of erythrocytes. Red cell production
(along with thrombocytopoiesis) in adult urodeles is conducted intrav
ascularly in the spleen. In anurans this organ is usually the major si
te although the liver also serves as a secondary locus for this activi
ty. Medullary (bone marrow) erythropoiesis makes its phylogenetic debu
t in anurans and typically occurs during heightened hemopoiesis follow
ing metamorphosis or hibernation. Maturation of the erythrocyte in the
circulation is commonplace (especially in urodeles) while proliferati
on at this site is inducible by splenectomy and/or hemolysins. Erythro
cyte-related values demonstrate variable differences associated with a
ge, weight, season, gender, and environment.