Al-Si order in the analcime - pollucite series (ideally NaAlSi2O6.H2O
-CsAlSi2O6) was studied using magic angle spinning (MAS) and double ro
tation (DOR) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The Al-27, Si-29, Na-23
and Cs-133 NMR spectra of natural and synthetic samples show signs of
increasing disorder from analcime to pollucite, but the synthetic pha
ses may contain up to about 50 mol.% pollucite without a significant i
ncrease in disorder compared to end-member analcime. Cubic pollucite i
s the most disordered; however, complete disorder is not observed, eve
n in rapidly formed. synthetic end-member pollucite. In the cubic fram
ework, cations are not randomly distributed among tetrahedrally coordi
nated sites, but follow an Al-O-Al avoidance rule and probably also th
e extended Loewenstein rule. Analcime and cesian analcime show an incr
eased degree of order with symmetry less than cubic, but remain incomp
letely ordered. The influence of Si/Al ratio on degree of order was de
monstrated; with increasing Si/Al, intensity shifts in the Si-29 spect
ra from the Si(3Al) and Si(2Al) peaks to the Si(1A1) peak.