A previously undocumented echinoid fauna occurs in the terrigenous cla
stic sedimentary sequence of the Old Pera Beds (Lower Pleistocene) and
the overlying Port Morant Formation (Upper Pleistocene) at Old Pera,
parish of St. Thomas, southeast Jamaica. The fauna is comprised of com
plete tests (particularly from two horizons in the Port Morant Formati
on), test fragments, and radioles, and includes: Cidaris (Tretocidaris
) bartletti (A. Agassiz), Eucidaris tribuloides (Lamarck); diadematoid
indet. gen. and sp.; Echinometra viridis A. Agassiz; Echinometra? sp.
; Clypeaster rosaceus (Linne); a juvenile C. subdepressus? (Gray); mel
litid indet. gen. and sp.; clypeasteroid sp.; Schizaster doederleini C
hesher, Meoma ventricosa (Lamarck); and irregular indet. gen. and sp.
Schizaster doederleini is still extant in the Caribbean, but is not kn
own to live in Jamaican waters. Schizaster doederleini and Meoma ventr
icosa are the first nominal spatangoids to be reported from the Jamaic
an Pleistocene.