Two siblings presented with macrocephaly, psychomotor delay, and progr
essive dystonia. The initial diagnosis was of hydrocephalus and bilate
ral temporal cerebrospinal fluid collections. Following ventriculoperi
toneal shunting, the patients showed only modest neurological improvem
ent. Metabolic investigations performed later in the course of the dis
ease disclosed increased levels of glutaric acid in the urine and decr
eased levels of serum carnitine, which were confirmatory of glutaric a
ciduria type 1. The association of macrocephaly, dystonia, and bilater
al temporal arachnoid cysts, shown either by computed tomography or ma
gnetic resonance imaging, seems to be diagnostic of glutaric aciduria
type 1. The authors report these two cases as they think they might be
of interest to neurosurgeons.