Field recordings of the entorhinal cortex (EC) were studied and compar
ed to those recorded concomitantly in the dentate region of the hippoc
ampal formation (HPC) in the urethane anesthetized rat. The EC, like t
he HPC, showed two main variations of spontaneous field activity: a de
synchronized, large amplitude irregular activity and a synchronized, r
hythmic, slow frequency field activity (RSA or theta). Corroborating p
revious research, a phase reversal was seen across layer II of the EC
and when recorded superficial to this layer, EC theta was phase-locked
to that recorded from the HPC (dentate). Entorhinal cortex (and HPC)
theta could be evoked by the application of moderate tail pinches (sen
sory stimulation), by pharmacological treatments enhancing cholinergic
transmission, and by electrical stimulation of the posterior hypothal
amus. Spectral analysis revealed that in all cases, theta was produced
coherently across the two limbic structures. Entorhinal cortex (and H
PC) production of theta could be abolished by pharmacological treatmen
ts disrupting cholinergic transmission, and by reversible procaine ina
ctivation of the medial septal region. Therefore, it was concluded tha
t limbic;theta is modulated spontaneously, and with sensory and hypoth
alamic stimulation through the activity of cells in the medial septal
region via muscarinic neurotransmission. It was also hypothesized that
the activation of cells in the posterior hypothalamus linearly codes
the frequency, and to a lesser extent the power, of EC and HPC theta.
Given these findings and the coincidence and coherence of the occurren
ce of theta across the EC and HPC, it was postulated that it occurs vi
a a parallel mechanism in the two areas.