We studied the comparative hydrodynamic properties of chromatins diffe
ring in transcriptional activity and in linker DNA length. Chromatins
were prepared from the nuclei of pigeon brain cortical neurones, rat t
hymus and sea urchin sperm. The sizes of linker DNA are 20, 50 and 100
base pairs (b.p.), respectively. Oligonucleosomes of different chain
length were isolated from micrococcal nuclease-digested nuclei and stu
died by the method of sedimentation velocity. Rheological behavior of
nucleosome oligomers depends on the number of nucleosomes in the chain
and on the ionic strength in the range between 5 and 85 mM was analyz
ed on the basis of a cylinder model using different hydrodynamic theor
ies. It is shown that hydrodynamic properties of oligonucleosomes from
all types of investigated chromatins at low ionic strength can be wel
l described by the model of a three-dimensional zig-zag chain with a d
iameter of about 20 nm, the DNA packing ratio growing with the increas
e of linker DNA length. Increasing ionic strength induces condensation
of the zig-zag-shaped chain of nucleosomes into a two-start double su
perhelix with densely packed nucleosomes. Linkers are arranged inside
the superhelix, which is bent or folded into a loop, depending on its