We studied the influence of the crystalline structure of III-V compoun
d semiconductors on the intensity of the energy distribution of second
ary electrons. Modulation of the amplitude of the primary electron wav
es within the crystal by electron-atom scattering results in a depende
nce of secondary emission intensity on the incidence angle. We measure
d the intensity anisotropy of the electron energy distribution in a wi
de energy range on either GaAs(110) and InP(110) surfaces, for differe
nt values of the primary beam energy between 0.6 and 5 keV. We focused
our attention on the elastic and inelastic Auger emission and on the
background intensity. The Monte Carlo method was used to simulate the
sequences of events experienced by the primary and secondary electrons
in the material. Anisotropy was assumed to arise in electron elastic
focusing on atomic sites. The calculated anisotropy dependence on the
electron kinetic energy is consistent with experimental results. Diffe
rences in anisotropy of electrons with different probing depth is rela
ted to the different relative importance of surface and bulk contribut
ions to the overall emission intensity. Defocusing along forward scatt
ering directions does not occur over a depth of several tens of angstr
om, indicating that the defocusing length is longer than had been usua
lly assumed for close-packed directions.