Positron interactions with the matter of various media have been studi
ed for a long time in astrophysics, especially since the 511 keV line
was detected in the direction of the Galactic center (Johnson, Harnden
, & Haymes 1972) and confirmed by gamma-ray line experiments. The abun
dance of helium in the interstellar medium (the second most important
atom after hydrogen) makes the study of the interaction of positrons i
n that medium a subject of great interest in astrophysics. The positro
nium fraction before thermalization in helium has already been measure
d in the laboratory (f1 = 80.7% +/- 0.5%; Brown & Leventhal 1986). The
experimental value of the positronium fraction in molecular hydrogen
(f1 = 89.7% +/- 0.3%; Brown & Leventhal 1986) has also been evaluated
by a Monte Carlo simulation (Bussard, Ramaty, & Drachman 1979) (93%),
and recently a reevaluation based on recent measurements of cross sect
ions has been calculated by Wallyn et al. (1993) (90%). Theoretical ca
lculations have already been done (Bussard, Ramaty, & Drachman 1979),
(95%) and reevaluated (Wallyn et al. 1993) (98%) for the positronium f
raction in atomic hydrogen. We pursue this investigation with helium a
toms and obtain 78%. Our result is in excellent agreement with the exp
erimental value of Brown & Leventhal (1986). Astrophysical implication
s will be emphasized.