The thalassaemias are a heterogeneous group of genetic haemoglobin dis
orders, The use of the Sysmex R-1000 instrument in their study during
the last 5 years has proved valuable. 1 Reticulocyte percentage and ab
solute counts were estimated in heterozygous beta-thalassaemia, in bet
a thalassaemia intermedia and in sickle beta thalassaemia and were com
pared with normal controls, Reticulocyte maturation subpopulations (hi
gh, middle and low fluorescence ratio) were assessed and compared with
those of other haematological disorders. Red cell size and non-specif
ic auramine-O binding were shown to be factors affecting mature red ce
ll autofluorescence. 2 Nucleated red blood cells (NRBC) interfere with
leucocyte counts in most haematology analysers, The upper particle co
unt (UPP), provided by the R-1000 with modified fluorescence amplifica
tion voltage, appeared to produce a direct NRBC count in beta-thalassa
emia intermedia when compared to NRBC counts assessed indirectly. 3 Er
roneous platelet counts are reported by most haematology analysers in
thalassaemia intermedia (especially in haemoglobin H disease) due to e
xtensive microcyte-platelet interference and cause problems in diagnos
is and management. Platelet counts provided by the R-1000 instrument i
n such patients were comparable to counts assessed by microscopy. Flow
cytometric analysis by the Sysmex R-1000 instrument is useful in thal
assaemia syndromes not only for providing precise reticulocyte counts
and reticulocyte maturation data, but for direct NRBC counting and acc
urate platelet enumeration in cases of thalassaemia intermedia.