This paper continues demonstration of the benefits of parallel multibo
dy simulation. In Part I implicit integration schemes combined with a
modified inverse dynamic formulation were proposed for parallel multib
ody simulation. In Part II the modified inverse dynamics algorithm and
computation of the integrator's Jacobian are split up into independen
t work packages for parallelization on medium-and coarse-grain levels,
respectively. The farming concept, which organizes the flow of work a
nd result packages through a network of processors, is presented. Tran
sputers are used to build a distributed memory multiprocessor system,
where both the medium- and coarse-grain approaches are implemented, re
sulting in the PARSIM-package for parallel multibody dynamics. The sim
ulation of an off-road vehicle and a multibody model for a cable demon
strate the considerable savings in simulation times achieved by the ne
w software package.