The relationships between nutrition and udder inflammation/infection w
ere studied in the dairy cow using an ecopathological approach. The st
udy (enquete ecopathologique Bretagne) was performed over 4 yr in Fren
ch herds with high-lactating cows. A long distribution time of Italian
rye-grass silage and a low quantity of dietary cereal-based concentra
tes in the first 2 months of lactation was linked with low milk leukoc
yte counts, probably due to a high dietary energetic level of to a pol
yunsaturated fatty acid imbalance and a subsequent decrease in the syn
thesis of leukotriene LTB4. In the late gestation period, a long distr
ibution time of fresh English rye-grass, which induced high uraemia an
d a larger distribution of vitamins A, D and E, was related to lower f
requencies of major pathogens in the milk.