Background. The renin-angiotensin system is a powerful presser system
with a major influence on salt and water homeostasis. Angiotensinogen
(also called renin substrate) is a key component of this system; it is
cleaved by renin to yield angiotensin I, which is then cleaved by ang
iotensin-converting enzyme to yield angiotensin II, The observation th
at plasma angiotensinogen levels correlate with blood pressure and tra
ck through families suggests that angiotensinogen may have a role in e
ssential hypertension. We therefore investigated whether there is link
age between the angiotensinogen gene on chromosome 1q42-43 and essenti
al hypertension. Methods. Samples of DNA from 63 white European famili
es in which two or more members had essential hypertension were tested
for linkage of the angiotensinogen gene to this disorder. Affected co
usins, nephews, nieces, and half-siblings were included when possible.
To test for linkage, we used as a marker a dinucleotide-repeat sequen
ce flanking this gene, and we employed the affected-pedigree-member me
thod of linkage analysis. Two molecular variants of the angiotensinoge
n gene, one encoding threonine instead of methionine at position 235 (
M235T) and the other encoding methionine rather than threonine at posi
tion 174 (T174M), were also tested for possible association with essen
tial hypertension. Results. We found significant linkage (t = 5.00, P<
0.001) and association (chi-square = 53.3, P<0.001) of the angiotensin
ogen-gene locus to essential hypertension in the 63 multiplex families
. This linkage was consistently maintained in the subgroup of subjects
with diastolic pressure above 100 mm Hg and in the subgroups classifi
ed according to sex. It has been proposed previously that T174M and M2
35T are associated with essential hypertension. However, we found no a
ssociation in our population between either polymorphism and this diso
rder.Conclusions. This study provides strong and consistent support fo
r the linkage to essential hypertension of regions within or close to
the angiotensinogen gene. Precisely how mutations in this region may r
esult in hypertension remains to be determined.