The development of dorsal axial structures in frogs depends on a proce
ss of cortical rotation in which the cortex of the fertilised egg beco
mes displaced with respect to the cytoplasm. An array of aligned micro
tubules that develops between the vegetal cortex and cytoplasm is impl
icated in generating movement. Rhodamine-tubulin was injected into egg
s to allow patterns of microtubule movement and polymerisation in the
vegetal array to be examined. Time-lapse video microscopy of living eg
gs showed that most of these microtubules move with the vegetal cytopl
asm relative to the cortex, at the same speed as cytoplasmic pigment g
ranules. This implies that movement is generated between the microtubu
les of the vegetal array and the cortex. A few microtubules were also
detected that appeared immobile with respect to the cortex. Rhodamine-
tubulin became incorporated into vegetal microtubules when injected at
any time during the period of cortical rotation. The newly formed mic
rotubules connected the vegetal array and internal cytoplasm. This ind
icates that local outward-directed polymerisation continues in this re
gion as the cortex translocates. Experiments with low doses of nocodaz
ole showed that this continuing polymerisation does not contribute to
the rotation. Concentrations of the drug that prevented tubulin polyme
risation had no effect on the speed of rotation if applied after the v
egetal array had formed. The same doses prevented movement if applied
early enough to prevent the formation of the array. These observations
support the idea that mechanochemical enzymes associated,vith the veg
etal microtubules translocate the cortex along microtubules anchored i
n the subcortical cytoplasm.