Single chamber ventricular pacing (VVI) may be associated with a group
of adverse symptoms known as the pacemaker syndrome. Cough is an unus
ual but recognised feature of the pacemaker syndrome. A patient with a
VVI permanent pacemaker experienced a disturbing cough during VVI pac
ing. There were no other symptoms associated with the pacemaker syndro
me. The effects of short-term ventricular pacing on the cough were exa
mined while the subject was standing and lying. After control recordin
gs, the pulse generator was programmed to either VVI 50 beats/min or 9
0 beats/min and recordings made over 60 seconds. There was an interval
of 60s between recordings. Overall, five recording periods at VVI of
50 beats/min and VVI of 90 beats/min were made in random order. The pa
tient was blinded to the order of programming. The recordings were rep
eated with the subject lying. Cough was not found during normal sinus
rhythm. During VVI pacing the patient experienced a tickling sensation
in the throat associated with intermittent coughing. The number of co
ughs decreased during each successive recording period. The pacing cou
gh reflex was enhanced when the patient was lying down. The mechanism
of cough during VVI pacing is uncertain. The findings suggest a possib
le role for afferent vagal receptors from the airways.