Race is a biological category, whereas racism is oppression based on t
he belief that some races are inferior and others are superior. Ethnic
ity has increasingly come to be viewed as a cultural identity and is s
een positively, yet discrimination based on cultural differences persi
sts. To correct this conceptual imbalance the pairs of terms - racism/
racity and ethnicism/ethnicity may be used to refer to the negative an
d positive dimensions respectively of the two phenomena. The distincti
on between race and ethnicity as well as ethnicity and nationality sho
uld be insisted upon. Nationality emerges when territory and culture a
re fused; ethnicity is a product of dissociation between them. Race an
d ethnic groups are organic whilst classes are aggregative collectivit
ies whose units are individuals. Theoretically members of all classes
could be found in proportion to their sizes in different races and eth
nic groups but in reality the distribution of classes varies drastical
ly across them because of a combination of factors, which need to be i
nvestigated and explained.