Rf. Barth et Ah. Soloway, BORON NEUTRON-CAPTURE THERAPY OF PRIMARY AND METASTATIC BRAIN-TUMORS, Molecular and chemical neuropathology, 21(2-3), 1994, pp. 139-154
Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is based on the nuclear reaction
that occurs when a stable isotope, boron-10, is irradiated with low en
ergy (0.025 eV) thermal neutrons (nth) to yield alpha (He-4) particles
and Li-7 nuclei (B-10 + n(th) --> [B-11] --> He-4 + Li-7 + 2.79 MeV).
The success of BNCT as a tumoricidal modality is dependent on the del
ivery of a sufficient quantity of B-10 and nth to individual cancer ce
lls to sustain a lethal B-10(n, alpha) Li-7 reaction. Boron delivery a
gents include a variety of compounds, such as the sulfhydryl containin
g polyhedral borane sodium borocaptate (Na2B12H11SH, [BSH]), boronopor
phyrins, boronophenylalanine, carboranyl uridines (CBU), and boronated
monoclonal antibodies (MAb). The present review will focus on three d
elivery systems that currently are under investigation in our laborato
ries, boronated monoclonal antibodies, carboranyl uridines, and borono
phenylalanine. Methodology has been developed to heavily boronate MAb
using a precision macromolecule, a ''starburst'' dendrimer, which can
be linked to MAb by means of heterobifunctional reagents. Although the
resulting immunoconjugates retain their in vitro immunoreactivity, th
ey lose their in vivo tumor localizing properties and accumulate in th
e liver. In order to obviate this problem, work is now in progress to
produce bispecific MAb, which can simultaneously recognize a tumor-ass
ociated antigen and a boronated macromolecule. Boron containing nucleo
sides are potential vehicles for incorporating boron compounds into nu
cleic acids of neoplastic cells. For this purpose, carboranyl uridines
have been synthesized with the boron moiety on either the pyrimidine
base or on the carbohydrate component. Although such structures appear
to be avidly taken up and retained by tumor cells in vitro, only the
5-carboranyl-nucleosides are converted biologically to the nucleotide.
There is no evidence, however, that the latter are incorporated into
nucleic acids. Other carboranyl nucleosides currently are being synthe
sized that may have better tumor localizing properties. The potential
use of borono-phenylalanine as a capture agent for the treatment of me
lanoma metastatic to the brain also is under investigation. A nude rat
model has been developed using human melanoma cells that are stereota
ctically implanted into the brain. BNCT-treated animals have either ha
d prolonged survival times or continue to live compared to control rat
s that invariably died of their tumors, thereby suggesting therapeutic