We examined the impact of variation in habitat quality on migrating Ru
fous Hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus) in the California Sierra Nevada
As do other migratory species, these birds depend on ''stopover'' habi
tats en route for feeding and replenishing depleted energy stores. Dur
ing seven years of study, the quality of the stopover habitat (assesse
d in terms of the density of nectar food resources) varied widely due
to natural variation in flowering. In years when stopover habitat qual
ity was poor incoming body masses were low and stopover durations were
long. Population densities of migrant hummingbirds at the study site
were coupled to habitat quality both within and among years. These obs
ervations demonstrate important effects of stopover habitat variation
on the physiological, behavioral, and population ecology of migrating
hummingbirds. High-quality stopover habitats are critical links betwee
n breeding and wintering areas for many species, and their preservatio
n should be considered an essential component of strategies aiming to
conserve migratory bird populations.