Using autoradiographic techniques we studied the changes that in adren
ergic receptors occurred in the cerebellum of two olivopontocerebellar
atrophy (OPCA) patients as compared with a control group. In OPCA cer
ebellum the densities of total beta-adrenoceptors were reduced along t
he cortex but increased in the white matter. Although mainly the beta(
1) subtype was decreased along the cerebellar cortex, the increase of
beta-receptors over the white matter was due to a selective raise in t
he beta(1) subtype. These findings suggest a postsynaptic neuronal loc
ation for the beta(1) subtype and a glial location for the beta(2)-adr
enoceptor. On the other hand, alpha(2)-adrenoceptors were clearly redu
ced all along the cerebellar cortex of these OPCA brains, this probabl
y being secondary to the loss of presynaptic adrenergic terminals aris
ing from the locus coeruleus. These results help clarify both the subc
ellular location of adrenoceptors in human cerebellum and the neuroche
mical pathophysiology of OPCA.