Leb. Stuhr et al., SYSTEMIC HEMODYNAMICS DURING HYPERBARIC-OXYGEN EXPOSURE IN RATS, Aviation, space, and environmental medicine, 65(6), 1994, pp. 531-538
The effect of 1-5 bar O2 on left ventricular pressure (LVP), maximal v
elocity of LVP rise (+dP/dt) and fall (-dP/dt), systolic arterial pres
sure (APsys), pulse pressure (DELTAAP), heart rate (HR), and respirato
ry frequency (RF) was studied in anesthetized and conscious rats. At 1
bar O2, all blood pressure parameters increased significantly (9-56%)
in both groups of rats, while RF fell (11-12%). HR fell only in consc
ious rats, while arrhythmias occurred in both groups. Compression to 5
bar O2 induced a significant further increase in all blood pressure p
arameters. HR fell further in the conscious rats. Arrhythmias were obs
erved in increasing number during compression and at 5 bar O2. Elevati
on in estimated oxygen-consumption of the heart was found both during
compression and at 5 bar O2. We conclude that O2 exposure markedly sti
mulates the myocardium by elevating the LVP, +dP/dt, and -dP/dt, thus
elevating APsys and DELTAAP. Arrhythmias developed in both groups, whi
le bradycardia occurred only in conscious rats.