Bioresorbable polymer fleeces with a high internal surface area were u
sed as temporary matrices to establish three-dimensional cultures of i
solated human articular chondrocytes. The polymer surface was coated w
ith poly-L-lysine to support cell attachment. The resulting cell-polym
er tissues were cultured in perfusion culture chambers to achieve a co
nstant supply of nutrients by diffusion. Retention and accumulation of
extracellular matrix components synthesized by the chondrocytes were
improved by encapsulation of the cell-polymer integrate in agarose gel
. The cell-polymer tissues formed abundant collagen fibrils in vitro w
ith a typical cross-triation clearly visible in electron microscopy an
alysis. Chondrocytes and intercellular matrix stained positively with
monoclonal antibodies specific for differentiated chondrocytes and typ
e II collagen. Synthesis of proteoglycans and collagen was also eviden
t by further analysis with alcian blue and azan staining of cell-polym
er tissue sections. The presented experimental tissue culture techniqu
e offers a novel concept for the in vitro formation of vital cartilage
implants for reconstructive surgery or treatment of destructive joint
diseases and possibly for the in vitro engineering of human tissues i
n general, with applications in drug testing and replacement of animal