Balcazar, Book, and Schoning introduced the extended low hierarchy bas
ed on the SIGMA-levels of the polynomial-time hierarchy as follows: fo
r k greater-than-or-equal-to 1, level k of the extended low hierarchy
is the set EL(k)P, SIGMA {A \ SIGMA(k)P(A) subset-or-equal-to SIGMA(k-
1)P (A + SAT)}. Allender and Hemachandra and Long and Sheu introduced
refinements of the extended low hierarchy based on the DELTA- and THET
A- -levels, respectively, of the polynomial-time hierarchy: for k grea
ter-than-or-equal-to 2, EL(k)P, DELTA = {A \ DELTA(k)P (A) subset-or-e
qual-to DELTA(k-1)P (A + SAT)} and EL(k)P, THETA = {A \ THETA(k)P (A)
subset-or-equal-to THETA(k-1)P (A + SAT)). This paper shows that the e
xtended low hierarchy is properly infinite by showing, for k greater-t
han-or-equal-to 2, that EL(k)P, SIGMA not-subset-or-equal-to EL(k+1)P,
THETA not-subset-or-equal-to EL(k+1)P, DELTA not-subset-or-equal-to E
L(k+1)P, SIGMA The proofs use the circuit lower bound techniques of Ha
stad and Ko. As corollaries to the constructions, for k greater-than-o
r-equal-to 2, oracle sets B(k), C(k), and D(k), such that PH(B(k)) = S
IGMA(k)P(B(k)) not-superset-or-equal-to DELTA(k)P (B(k)), PH(C(k)) = D
ELTA(k)P (C(k)) not-superset-or-equal-to THETA(k)P (C(k)), and PH(D(k)
) = THETA(k)P(D(k)) not-superset-or-equal-to SIGMA(k-1)P (D(k)) are ob