The second part of this paper deals with the practical management of b
atch centrifugals. The focus is on the magma feed of larger centrifuga
l baskets, syrup separation and washing, operation of the washing devi
ce, as well as the advantages of washing with syrup and double centrif
uging. The difference between nominal and actual basket load is descri
bed, and a proposal is presented for a realistic specification of the
load inferred from the thickness of the crystal layer. In addition, th
e unfavourable implications of the separation factor available in sing
le centrifuging for syrup separation and washing, the difficulties of
satisfactorily separating green and wash run-off, and measures of whit
e sugar quality assurance in the centrifugals are discussed. A continu
ous, contact-free measurement method is proposed, which, in combinatio
n with a computer program, allows constant monitoring of the degree of
utilization, performance and crystal conservation.