OBJECTIVE - To compare the extent and types of health insurance covera
ge for adults with diabetes to coverage for those without diabetes in
the U.S. population. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Nationally represen
tative samples of 2,405 adults with diabetes and 20,131 adults who wer
e not known to have diabetes in the U.S. completed a questionnaire on
current health insurance, including coverage through Medicare, private
insurance, the military, and Medicaid and other public programs. RESU
LTS - Among all adults with diabetes, 92.0% have some form of health i
nsurance, including 86.5% of those 18-64 years of age and 98.8% of tho
se greater than or equal to 65 years of age. Approximately 41% are cov
ered by more than one health insurance mechanism, but almost 600,000 p
eople with diabetes do not have any form of health-care coverage. Litt
le difference was found by type of diabetes in the proportion who have
health insurance. Only small differences exist between people with di
abetes and those without diabetes in the percentages covered and the t
ypes of health-care coverage. Government-funded programs are responsib
le for health-care coverage of 57.4% of adults with diabetes, includin
g 26.4% of those 18-64 years of age and 96.0% of those greater than or
equal to 65 years of age. Private health insurance is held by 69.3% o
f diabetic people. Lack of private insurance appears to be attributabl
e primarily to lower income. CONCLUSIONS - Almost all patients with di
abetes who are greater than or equal to 65 years of age have health-ca
re coverage, but 13.5% of those 18-64 years of age have no health insu
rance. Few differences exist in coverage between individuals with and
without diabetes. However, the absence of insurance should have a subs
tantially greater impact on the ability of patients with diabetes to o
btain services necessary for care of their disease, compared with thos
e without diabetes. Government-funded insurance mechanisms cover a lar
ge proportion of diabetic patients, which indicates a significant soci
etal burden associated with diabetes. Any changes in government reimbu
rsement and coverage policies could have a major impact on health care
for patients with diabetes.