Quasi-equilibrium calculations were performed on the C-H and C-H-O sys
tems to calculate the thermodynamic stability of diamond and graphite
phases under CVD conditions. Exclusive diamond growth is dependent, in
part, on the increased thermodynamic stability of H-terminated crysta
llographic surfaces. This feature was included in the methodology by e
stimating the surface enthalpies by group additivity methods. The lowe
r boundary in the Bachmann ternary diagram which defines the demarcati
on line between the growth and non-growth regions was calculated. The
gradient of the line is a strong function of the degree of stabilizati
on of the H-terminated diamond surfaces. Using mixtures of CH4-CO-H-2
of compositions close to the CO line of the phase diagram, (100) facet
ed films were grown by microwave assisted CVD at rates of 1.5-2.0 mum