The food service at the Le Tremplin school (QC), which is managed by a
non-profit organization including parents and members of the communit
y, was evaluated in terms of its impact on che nutritional quality of
the meals consumed by the students from the point of view of the preve
ntion of cardio-vascular diseases (CVDs) in children. This was done by
comparing it with a traditional food service operated by a concession
naire. On the nutritional level, the menus offered in the two schools
were comparable: in,both cases, they fell far short of meeting nutriti
onal recommendations related to the prevention of CVDs. In other respe
cts, the nutritional value of the meals consumed by the children diffe
red according to the school. It was doser to meeting recommendations i
n the case of the Le Tremplin school. The results obtained show that t
he organization of the food service at the Le Tremplin school appears
to favour a more adequate consumption of lipids and carbohydrates, as
well as a more appropriate distribution of the different fatty acids i
n the food.