55 visitors from five recreation and social clubs for mentally ill cli
ents have been described, related to some sociographic data including
the number of times the club is frequented, the duration of membership
in the club as well as the source of information. They were asked to
give their opinions on the frequency and the duration of the meetings
and the quality of the clubrooms, the care and the programmes. They gi
ve the reasons for attending the clubs and the resulting main effects.
They make wishes and complaints about the clubs. The results of the q
uestioning are compared to the description of tasks and aims of clubs
as seen from the professional point of view in order to find conformit
ies and/or differences. On the whole a consensus is to be seen. Differ
ences can be ascertained, where the professional aim is mainly of ther
apeutic nature. Such a target does not meet the needs of the visitors.
For them the social aspect is of main importance in a surrounding off
ering protection, acceptance, understanding and support.