It was found that amino acid compositional frequencies in proteins dem
onstrate a pseudosymmetry pattern in respect of the genetic code arran
gement as we discussed in earlier papers (Siemion and Stefanowicz, 199
2a, BioSystems, 27, 77-84; Siemion and Stefanowicz; 1992b, Bull. Pol.
Acad. Sci., Chem. 40, 11-20; Siemion, 1994, BioSystems, 32, 25-35). Th
e type of pseudosymmetry observed is very similar to that found in the
changes of Chou-Fasman P-alpha conformational parameters within the g
enetic code arrangement. It is also shown that the compositional frequ
encies of amino acids belonging to the 'G' and 'C' families of codons
(excluding UCN Ser codons) change linearly with the sequence of the on
e-step mutations expected by our arrangement of proper codons.