Crystal proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis are known for their insecti
cidal specificity. This specificity is, to a large extent, determined
by the interaction of the proteins with high-affinity binding sites on
the epithelial membrane of the midgut of sensitive insects. In partic
ular, domain II of the three domains of the toxic moiety has been impl
icated in specificity. To determine which sequences of the protein are
involved in binding, loops of domain II which terminate in the molecu
lar apex of CryIA(b) were replaced by the corresponding regions of Cry
IE, a protein with different binding characteristics and insect specif
icity. In contrast to expression of the wild-type genes, expression of
the mutant alleles in Escherichia coli resulted in the formation of b
iologically inactive, insoluble aggregates. Although these aggregates
could be solubilized in vitro using urea, in contrast to the wild-type
CryIA(b), the mutant proteins did not correctly refold as is shown by
their increased protease sensitivity and lack of biological activity.
The results indicate that engineering CryI proteins, based on the Cry
IIIA structure, is likely to prove difficult, particularly since the c
onformation of CryIIIA and CryI proteins might differ in domain II.