Daily weather data commonly used in simulation models of agricultural
or ecological systems are sometimes incomplete, frequently contain err
ors, and are often in an inconvenient format. The WeatherMan is a user
-oriented software package designed to assist in preparing daily weath
er data for use with simulation models. The software can import or exp
ort daily weather files with any column format (including the Decision
Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer ver. 2.1 and ver. 3.0 file
s) and convert the data to desirable units. Data are checked and flagg
ed for possible errors on import. Several techniques are available for
filling in missing values and erroneous data on export. WeatherMan al
so contains two methods (WGEN and SIMMETEO) for stochastically generat
ing sequences of daily weather data. Both methods can be parameterized
from the daily data and the second method uses monthly means from any
secondary data source. Summary statistics of raw and generated data c
an be graphed or presented in tables.