This paper discusses observations of the J = 2-1 transition of (CO)-C-
13 and (CO)-C-13 in the center of the Virgo Cluster S0 galaxy NGC 4710
. We use a simple model suggested by Wrobel & Kenney (1992) for the di
stribution of molecular gas to obtain a value for the intensity ratio
of the transitions J = 2-1 and J = 1-0 which is similar to that in oth
er S0 galaxies and in spirals. Available information on the intensity
ratio (CO)-C-12/(CO)-C-13 suggests that the molecular gas is optically
thick. This assumption is used to set limits on the gas temperature w
hich are consistent with values typical of the Milky Way. The line pro
file observed at the center of the galaxy is complex, indicating the p
resence of significant structure within the source. This profile is we
ll reproduced by adding a small number of clouds to the model. Althoug
h present data do not constrain the cloud properties, those clouds we
employ are analogs of large Milky Way giant molecular clouds and contr
ibute approximately 25% of the total mass of the molecular disk in the
center of this galaxy. The model closely constrains the locations of
clouds which produce structure at the red and blue ends of our line pr
ofile. Differences in the shapes of the profiles in the J = 1-0 and J
= 2-1 transitions can be qualitatively explained by the lack of cloud
structure within part of the molecular disk northeast of the nucleus.