A concept of model-based neural controller is described, which incorpo
rates a model of a controlled system into a neural network architectur
e. This concept results in efficient learning requiring small amounts
of training data. This is due to the fact that all synapse weights are
determined by a relatively small number of model parameters, which ca
n be learned quickly. The development in this paper is based on the ML
ANS neural network developed previously for classification. The curren
t paper addresses the development of a model that is generally applica
ble to the problem of multidimensional nonlinear control and that is u
seful for model-based neural network development. We describe modifica
tions to the MLANS architecture, which are needed to incorporate the c
ontrol model into the neural network architecture and for the neural d
ynamics to converge to the maximum likelihood values of model paramete
rs. Then, we present examples comparing the neural network perfomance
to that of the classical least squares controller.