Four ureteroenteric strictures in three men were incised using the Acu
ciseTM catheter, All patients had undergone urinary diversion after ra
dical cystectomy, One patient had a solitary kidney, and one patient h
ad bilateral ureteroenteric strictures. Two patients were morbidly obe
se. One stricture involved the right ureter, and the left ureteral ana
stomosis was strictured in all three cases, After careful radiographic
and endoscopic assessment of local periureteral anatomy, Acucise inci
sion was performed successfully for all four strictures without compli
cations, All incised ureteroenteric anastomoses have remained patent t
hrough postoperative follow-ups of 11, 27, and 28 months, as judged by
retrograde loopograms and diuretic renograms, Acucise incision of ure
teroenteric strictures after urinary diversion provides an efficient a
nd effective endourologic management option in these difficult cases,
Emphasizing the need for careful preincision anatomic evaluation, this
technologic approach can be employed even in the management of left u
reteroenteric strictures.