The power of the three-phase a.c. furnace is limited in Germany accord
ing of the VDE standards to about 96 MW, which makes it possible to ac
hieve a yearly production of 1.2 million t at a tap weight of 160 t. T
he power of the direct-current furnace is limited to similar levels by
the voltage and length of the electric arc and by the current-carryin
g capacity of the graphite electrode. At a realistic assessment of the
graphite consumption, clearly lower processing costs of the direct-cu
rrent furnace can be achieved only through energy saving. The main adv
antages of the direct-current furnace are the more uniform melting of
the charge and the smaller voltage fluctuations in the supply system.
If the latter advantage is irrelevant because of a powerful supply sys
tem, the higher investment costs of the direct-current furnace represe
nt, similarly to the bottom electrode, a disadvantage.